Blog Post #1: Prepping for 2015

My first blog post… how exciting!

With the new year approaching I have been thinking about what I would like to accomplish next year and things I would like to try. I wanted a way to document what I would be doing and whether I would be successful… what I liked or disliked… what worked and didn’t work etc. I thought about writing things down in a book but decided on a blog after roaming around on Instagram. I came to the realization last night that I love seeing other people’s transformations. I like to get meal ideas from others posts, work out inspirations and ideas, and seeing the hard work people are willing to put in to reach a goal. It is for that reason that I’ve decided to go this route. I also feel like having an audience of 1 or 100 (I’m hoping the 1 will at least be my mom… come on mom) will make me more accountable and push me to continue.

So what do I hope to write about on here?

1. Work outs… I have dabbled into the Cross Fit life over the last year (my gym: I love it. I really don’t know what strange magical phenomenon occurred for me to continue going since after my first class I was throwing up violently outside in the grass. When I got after that class I felt so ill and ate a whole 12″ meatball sub and went to bed. In 2014 I went only 1-2 times per week for one hour each class and still saw huge changes in my strength and ability. When I started I couldn’t do one push-up properly on a raised box and I can now do 5 MAN push-ups in a row. That’s right… MAN push-ups… no knees on the floor! It was uncomfortable for me to even hang on the god damn pull-up bar let alone do a pull-up when I started. 12 months later I can do 3 strict pull-ups and am learning techniques like kipping and butterfly. I can even touch my toes to the bar… its really ugly… but to feel my toes awkwardly smash into that bar is the best feeling ever. PROGRESS!

With those gains in 2014 I have decided to double my attendance in 2015 and work harder at the other side of fitness… that being proper stretching, taking care of body parts that are being jerks (for me this is my shoulders and right side of my ribs… I know it’s weird) AND this will lead me into the next topic of this blog… FOOD!

2. Food… the work I did in 2014 at gym was not reflected in my kitchen or on my plate sadly. Sure I eat healthier than most, I try to buy organic and get enough protein etc. etc. but I’m sure my physical results would have been much greater had I been eating properly. I am really going to try my best at fuelling my body properly… reading, learning, cooking, meal prepping, trying out new things etc. Of course I can’t put 100% of my time into working out and food… I kinda have a dissertation to write. This brings me to #3.

3. PhD-ing… as a graduate student I have an amazingly flexible schedule that is 90% under my control. I am done course-work and I have a wicked 3-year scholarship through a federal funding agency that allows me to NOT work. I feel like I am so lucky to be in this position. I really want to take advantage of these next few years and put time towards bettering myself and seeing what I can accomplish. I want to be really active in research (I study eating disorders and group psychotherapy mostly) and publish, travel and go to conferences, and start writing my dissertation. Alongside this I’m hoping to read inspiring and interesting books (like a nerd). I really don’t read (non-academically related) as much as I would like to… so…

Come January 1st this blog will be my “diary”. I don’t know yet how much I will write or how often I will post… I’m excited to start and share all my experiences. I don’t expect perfection… I will guaranteed have horrible days… days where I just want to stay home and do nothing with my dog… days where I venture across the street to Sugar Mountain… and days where simultaneously drink half a bottle of wine and eat an entire block of brie and cranberry crackers… I am totally documenting those days also…

Looking forward to Blog Post #2…



3 thoughts on “Blog Post #1: Prepping for 2015

  1. good job Renee! I will follow your blog……..maybe some of your determination will rub off on me. One thing I know for sure, once you set your mind on something, there is no stopping you.

  2. Good luck! I find it helps to make some really specific PhD yearly goals, then look back at them the following year. Something I will be doing next week once the Christmas Crazyness has passed!

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